Anxiety-Free Morning Routine
Dec 27, 2023
Hey, guys! Life can be rough, and sometimes it feels like chaos is all around you. Sometimes, we need someone to help us get through it in an easy way. First thing I want you to do is understand morning stress.
Why Mornings Can Be Tough
Morning stress is a significant aspect of today's world, especially considering the prevalence of phones and computers, like the one you're likely using to read this. It's important to realize that you are not alone in feeling this way; everyone is overly connected. One way to begin your morning is by distancing yourself from the need to check emails, texts, or social media posts and simply waking up to start the day with a cup of coffee or tea!
Have you ever noticed how a stressful morning can set the tone for your entire day? Consider how many days you've had when you receive a stressful email from work, and suddenly that's all you can think about. You start running late to drop your kids off, forget to eat breakfast, and it all just snowballs.
Many people believe they don't have the option to delay responding to those emails, but guess what? You do. Prioritize yourself in all your relationships, even when it comes to work. So, remember, step 1 is just waking up like a human should, not being this work robot devoid of emotions.
The Science of Stress Reduction: Body and Mind Connection
Did you know that stress doesn't just mess with your mind? When you're stressed, it impacts everything, including your weight, sleep, mood, and appetite. That's because stress is not some imaginary thing; it's actually a hormone! A good way to combat this is by establishing a morning routine. This helps your body understand what's going to happen next.
Consider this: a car crash occurs because we can't predict when someone might run a red light. It's the same with stress! If our body knows our next move, it can make each day simpler. It's the magic wand you've been looking for. Just as your kids don't function well without a strong routine, why should you?
Crafting Your Morning Routine: One Size Does Not Fit All
We're all unique beings with different needs and preferences. To ensure you have a routine that works for you, consider starting your day with these three simple ideas:
- No phone
- Get your body moving
- Have a cup of coffee or tea
It's that easy. Working with these rules can serve as an emotional anchor, ensuring you are truly okay, regardless of how hectic your life may be. We've covered the 'no phone' aspect, but what do I mean by moving? Well, it could be anything—maybe you stretch for a bit or just go for a walk. Whatever it is, it signals to your body that it's time to start waking up. People hate being startled in the morning, right? Your body feels the same way, and science backs it up!
Now, onto the stimulants—coffee and tea are a great way to give your body a quick boost, and all this can be done in under 30 minutes. Starting the day off right makes the rest of the day easier.
Mindfulness Practices: Why mindfulness?
Now, mindfulness isn't just a hippy thing anymore; it's a serious tactic to improve physical and mental health. There's a plethora of mindfulness tactics, and not all of them work for everyone. Whether it's taking a few seconds to breathe and calm down or engaging in significant practices like a weekend retreat in Tulum with the girls, both are excellent mindfulness approaches. Incorporating these into your day-to-day routine ensures that, at some point, you'll give yourself a well-needed break—a crucial practice for everyone. Check out this playlist for a bunch of great mindfulness resources! (link playlist)
Sample Anxiety-Free Morning Routine
We have made it this far so here is a little sample of something you could do every morning!
Let's try to wake up at least 30 minutes earlier than normal… I know this sounds horrible but once you do it a few times it's going to make a huge difference!
We covered this already but just get moving even if its only a few minutes do something!
Some lemon water is seriously going to start your day off right with that coffee and tea. We all know that dry feeling we have when we first get up!
Lets just take a few minutes to remember why we are so great and know that we are going to kill it today! I have this playlist on just building that self love!(add playlist link)
Okay ladies this is going to be our baby spa day. Let's treat it like one, remember you gave yourself some extra time so take care of yourself!
End that morning routine with just a quick list of things you need to get done!
Overcoming Challenges
I get it; it's going to be hard to get this stuff started, and it might sound like you don't want to do it. But it's about to be the new year, and this is the best time to start those changes! Sometimes people also need a push, so I'm not saying you won't. But if you find a friend or someone to help hold you accountable, it's going to make a huge difference. And if you can, there is always the option to work with me!
Beyond Mornings
Having this as part of your overall emotional toolkit is going to set the stage for the rest of the tools you have. I wish I had the magic pill or whatever for you, but the truth is no one does. It takes work and hard work, but the payoff is seriously worth it, and I promise that no matter how hard it feels, you are making an improvement just by trying.
If you have kids, you are setting such a powerful tone with them. Hey, guess what? Sometimes mom is having a hard time, and it's okay because she's going to work through it and keep her day moving with no excuses. Being a mom isn't just about raising a kid; it's about raising a kid that knows hard work isn't something to shy away from and is something that, once we can take control of, will give us everything we need!