Dating Red Flags

May 17, 2020

When it comes to dating, red flags can be overlooked as you are caught up in the excitement of getting to know a new person. With this in mind, it is important to be aware of your feelings and notice when you start to see red flags.

Here are four common dating red flags:


They don’t talk through issues.

You try to talk to them about an issue in the relationship or something that is going on at work, and they don’t want to hear it.

They continually say, “they are tired, or I don’t want to talk about this.”

Take that as a sign; they don’t care and have no intention of talking about issues now or in the future.

You justify their bad behavior.

They ignore your calls for a few days.

They become wishy-washy about plans.

They snap at you when you ask them a question.

And you continually make excuses for them “they are busy, or they had a lot on their mind.”

Excuses are excuses — people show you early on in a relationship who they are.

They are self-involved.

We all know relationships take compromise. If the person you are dating doesn’t want to be involved in your life or get to know you on a deeper level, chances are they are immature and not ready for a relationship.

You just know.

Intuition, if something feels off when you are around them, take that as a sign it is not meant to be.