Feeling Insecure Around Them??

anxiety apologies betrayal boundaries codependency narcissism Nov 01, 2023

Feeling insecure in front of certain people is something we all face at one point or another. It's entirely normal, and there are ways to tackle it. Here are the top five tips to help you boost your confidence in those situations: 


So, when we compare ourselves to others, it's like we're setting ourselves up for a never-ending cycle of self-doubt. We see that co-worker who always seems on top of their game or that friend who exudes confidence, and we start to think, "I should be more like them." But here's the secret sauce: those folks are fighting their own battles behind the scenes. 

Your charismatic co-worker might appear as if they've got it all figured out, but what you don't see are the nights they spend worrying about that big project. And your super confident friend? They have their moments of doubt too, trust me. We're all a mix of strengths and vulnerabilities, just in different flavors. 

So, why let comparisons drag you down when we're all on this rollercoaster of life together? Embrace your uniqueness, and remember, it's those quirks and imperfections that make you, well, you. Instead of focusing on what you lack compared to others, celebrate your individuality and be proud of the journey you're on. 

Self-Esteem Matters: The foundation of confidence is self-esteem. Remind yourself of your strengths and past achievements. Focusing on what you're good at can help offset those pesky insecurities. 



Ah, positive self-talk, it's like having your personal hype squad on standby. We’re often our harshest critics, and we've got this nasty habit of doubting ourselves. But what if we flipped the script? 

Picture this: you're faced with a challenge, and instead of dwelling on self-doubt, you say to yourself, "I can handle this. I've got the skills and the determination." It's like being your own coach, giving yourself that extra pep talk you need. 

When those negative thoughts creep in – you know, the ones that say you're not good enough – shut’em down with affirmations that scream self-worth. Tell yourself you're awesome, capable, and deserving of success. 

It might sound a bit cheesy, but it works wonders. So, next time you're feeling a bit low or uncertain, try pumping yourself up with some positive self-talk. You'll be surprised at the difference it can make in how you feel about yourself and your abilities. It's like having your own motivational speaker right inside your head! 






Past Experiences and the Inner Critic: 

Negative past experiences play a huge role in how you feel about yourself. Experiences like rejection, criticism, or failure can create self-doubt and low self-esteem. These experiences often manifest in the form of an inner critic, a relentless voice in our heads that highlights our flaws and mistakes. This constant self-criticism can erode our self-acceptance over time. 

Fear of Judgment and the Fear of Being Ourselves: 

The fear of what others will think or say about us is another powerful barrier to self-acceptance. We worry about being judged or rejected if we reveal our true selves, which can lead us to put on masks to conform to societal norms or the expectations of others. This fear can prevent us from fully embracing who we are and inhibit self-acceptance. 

Perfectionism and the Pursuit of Unattainable Standards: 

Perfectionism is another roadblock to self-acceptance. Perfectionists set unattainably high standards for themselves and often engage in relentless self-criticism when they inevitably fall short. The pursuit of perfection can lead to a never-ending cycle of self-doubt and dissatisfaction. 

Past Trauma and Emotional Scars: 

Past traumas, whether significant or minor, can leave emotional scars that affect how we view ourselves. Healing from these wounds is a crucial step toward self-acceptance. Traumatic experiences can lead to a lasting sense of self-doubt and insecurity. 

Lack of Self-Awareness: 

Sometimes, we don't fully understand who we are or what we want. This lack of self-awareness can lead to feelings of confusion and dissatisfaction with ourselves. Developing self-awareness is a critical aspect of the journey towards self-acceptance.