Narcissistic Mind Games

boundaries emotional health health narcissism Jan 24, 2024

When you're trying to get over a bad relationship, a big lesson is listening to your inner feelings. This article looks at important things like understanding tricky mind games and gives tips on how to make your connection with yourself stronger. 


Playing with Your Mind 

Gaslighting is a sneaky way to mess with someone's head. It's a form of mind games where the aim is to make the person doubt what they know is true. This involves saying things didn't happen, changing words around, and making up different stories. The whole point is to make things confusing and shake the person's trust in their own feelings. Spotting the narcissist's fake persona, which includes a lot of lying and acting, is important to fight against gaslighting. 

Narcissist's Puppet Strings: Triangulation 

Triangulation is like the narcissist playing puppet master. They use this trick to make people turn against each other, causing tension and jealousy. It's a way to punish one person and, at the same time, get closer to someone else through grooming and love bombing. By controlling the story and getting strong emotional reactions, the narcissist stays in control. 

The Power Move: Silent Treatment 

Giving someone the silent treatment is a way narcissists control others. It's similar to holding back affection or stopping love bombing all together. By creating this space, the narcissist takes charge of how the person feels. This abuse is meant to make the person feel weak, unimportant, which makes the person want the narcissist’s approval even more.  

Playing the Blame Game: Projection 

Projection is when narcissists blame others for things they did. They often combine it with gaslighting to shift blame and make things confusing. Knowing about projection is crucial to catch on when the narcissist tries to make you responsible for what they did. 


Trusting your gut is about paying attention to how your body feels in different situations. If your stomach tightens, you sweat, or you feel dizzy, these can be signs that something isn't right. Think of these feelings as messages from your inner self or your gut, guiding you to take care of yourself. 

To trust your intuition, spend time in silence and talk to yourself internally. Ask why you feel a certain way, and let the answers come naturally. This self-parenting technique helps you understand and validate your emotions. 

Overcoming fear-based reactions is part of trusting your intuition. Practice not questioning your thoughts and feelings. When you accept the legitimacy of your emotions, you can resist manipulation and set healthy boundaries. 

Believing in your instincts can change your life for the better. When you understand the tricks narcissists play and become more aware of yourself, you can escape their manipulation and form a strong bond with your inner self. Keep in mind, it's a gradual journey that requires time and patience, but the benefits are definitely worth the hard work.