Overworked and Have No Life
Jan 03, 2024
I think we’ve all been there; we’re stressed, overworked, and feeling like we have absolutely no life of our own. I get it – adulting is hard, and finding time for work, personal life, and self-care can feel like juggling just way too much. So, let's get into seven quick fixes that you can start implementing today to bring back your own life.
We're all trying to win this race that will never stop if we don't let it, but it's so important to realize that sometimes we are working just way too much. When it's time to slow down and just be with our families! Feeling constantly stressed, fatigued, or overwhelmed? That's the universe nudging you to take a breather from your work, and recognizing the burnout is the first step toward regaining control.
We need to set real goals. I know you want to totally change things and make this huge 180, but what happens when you do that is it gets too hard because you didn't set yourself up for success, then you just fall off! So, set small goals, maybe it's waking up a bit early to have breakfast with the family or not taking that overtime, so you don't have to be at work for so long. Every couple of weeks, you can push it more and more. That's how you set SMART goals and not goals that are just good to post on Instagram!
Time blocking is just setting up times throughout the day where you say, 'Okay, now I'm just going to read my book, take a breather, or even something as simple as make lunch.' I know this might seem pointless, but it's those little things that you do that make the biggest changes. If you start just taking back your time with small things, slowly you are going to start taking it back with your work life, and remember, that's the end goal with these tips: finding that balance between working and your home life! Make these blocks non-negotiable, so if you are taking a minute to breathe, then don't answer the phone when it rings; people can wait!
Self-care is so important; it's kind of building off the concept of time blocking. You need to have some self-care, just like I'm always talking about self-love. Self-care is a huge thing for our mental health. It's easy—just take a day where you spend some time doing what you love! Maybe it's just going out for a walk or a yoga class, but all we are doing is adding some balance to our life with this whole routine. When you start to leave out self-care from your week, it's going to build up on you, and that's how we start to feel a lot of burnouts. That work-life balance becomes a real struggle.
We need to have good communication in both our out-of-work relationships and our relationship with our work. If we don't feel like we can talk to our job and tell them that we just need some time for ourselves or even take a personal day, you are going to start to get some problems showing up! The same goes for communicating with our partners and families. While it's great to balance our work life, our home life also needs to be balanced, and sometimes we just need a break, and that's where our self-care routine comes in!
Okay, if you have watched some of my other content, you know that boundaries are so important! When you learn to just do things like say no, especially in your work life, you are going to start building so much confidence back! Saying no isn't rude; it's just part of what you need to do as a healthy adult. I get it; especially at work, sometimes it's hard not to say no because we feel like something bad might happen if we do. Well, that just comes from a lot of overthinking, and we need to let that go and control what we can now! So, saying no is going to be a huge step forward for you.
When we are trying to set all this up, it's important that we have someone who helps keep us on track. That's why it's great to have people you can rely on! Setting up a support system, whether it's with a significant other or just a friend who's trying to do the same as us, is going to make a huge difference. It's easy to say we are going to do something, but when we are actually being held accountable by someone else, it starts to take a little bit of the burden off our shoulders. Remember, if you are reading this, you probably are already getting overwhelmed by trying to balance work and normal life, so give yourself a break by letting someone else help out.
Okay, guys! This one was a little short, but I just wanted to give you some basic tips to help you get through all this. Balancing work life and home life is something it seems like everyone is struggling with nowadays. Take your power back and put yourself in control!