Signs Your Friend is NOT a True Friend

Jun 28, 2023

Friends are an essential part of our lives. They support us, make us laugh, and help us through tough times. However, sometimes it can be challenging to distinguish between real and fake friends. In this blog, we will discuss some signs that your friends may not be true friends.


1. They Only Contact You When They Need Something

One of the most apparent signs that someone is not a genuine friend is when they only contact you when they need something. Whether it’s borrowing money, asking for a favor, or seeking advice, they always seem to come to you when they need help but disappear when you need them. This behavior indicates that they don’t value your friendship and are only interested in what you can do for them.


2. They Gossip About You Behind Your Back

A real friend will never talk about you behind your back. However, a fake friend will spread rumors and gossip about you to others. If you hear that someone has been talking about you, it’s a sign that they are not a true friend. Moreover, if they are gossiping about you to other people, they are likely to gossip about others as well.


3. They Don’t Respect Your Boundaries

A true friend will always respect your boundaries. They will understand if you need space or if you can’t attend an event. However, a fake friend will push your boundaries and make you feel guilty for not doing what they want. They may try to manipulate you into doing things you don’t want to do, which is a clear indication that they don’t respect your feelings or opinions.


4. They Don’t Celebrate Your Successes

A real friend will always celebrate your successes and be happy for you. They will support you and encourage you to keep going. However, a fake friend will not be happy for you and may even be jealous of your achievements. They may try to downplay your success or find ways to bring you down, which is a clear indication that they are not true friends.


5. They Are Always Negative

A true friend will lift you up and make you feel good about yourself. They will have a positive attitude and help you see the good in every situation. However, a fake friend will always be negative and bring you down. They may complain a lot, criticize you, or make you feel bad about yourself, which is a sign that they are not a true friend.


6. They Don’t Keep Your Secrets

A true friend will keep your secrets and never betray your trust. However, a fake friend will share your secrets with others or use them against you. If you hear that someone has been sharing your secrets, it’s a sign that they are not a true friend. Moreover, if they are willing to betray your trust, they are likely to do it again in the future.


7. They Don’t Make Time For You

A real friend will always make time for you. They will prioritize your friendship and make an effort to spend time with you. However, a fake friend will always have an excuse for why they can’t hang out with you. They may cancel plans at the last minute or never initiate plans themselves. If you find that someone is not making time for you, it’s a sign that they are not a true friend.


8. They Are Selfish

A true friend will be there for you when you need them. They will put your needs before their own and be selfless. However, a fake friend will be selfish and only care about themselves. They may prioritize their own needs over yours and not take your feelings into consideration. This behavior is a clear indication that they are not a true friend.


9. They Don’t Apologize

A real friend will apologize if they have done something wrong. They will take responsibility for their actions and make amends. However, a fake friend will never apologize or take responsibility for their actions. They may try to justify their behavior or blame you for what happened. This behavior shows that they are not willing to acknowledge their mistakes and make things right, which is a sign that they are not a true friend.


10. They Don’t Listen

A true friend will listen to you and take the time to understand your perspective. They will be there for you when you need to talk and offer advice if you ask for it. However, a fake friend will not listen to you and may dismiss your feelings or opinions. They may be more interested in talking about themselves or their problems, which is a sign that they are not a true friend.


There are several signs that your friends may not be true friends. They only contact you when they need something, gossip about you behind your back, don’t respect your boundaries, don’t celebrate your successes, are always negative, don’t keep your secrets, don’t make time for you, are selfish, don’t apologize, and don’t listen. If you recognize any of these signs in your friendships, it may be time to reevaluate whether these people are true friends or not. Remember that real friends will always be there for you, support you, and make you feel good about yourself.