Temper Tantrums and Emotional Outbursts from a Narcissist

Nov 08, 2023

We're diving into a topic that might surprise you. We're talking about temper tantrums, but not the ones from your adorable toddler. Nope, we're tackling the adult version. So, buckle up for some insightful conversation on how to deal with these emotional storms like a pro! 


  1. Kids Do It, Adults Do It Too: 

You know those epic tantrums your little one throws when they don't get their way? Well, adults can have their own versions. 

Children grow and learn how to manage their emotions, set boundaries, and self-soothe. But not everyone masters these skills in adulthood. 

  1. Emotional Maturity: Not a Given: 

Growing up physically doesn't always equate to growing up emotionally. 

Emotional maturity is like having the superpower to understand and handle your feelings responsibly. Sadly, not all adults possess this superpower. 

  1. Enter the Narcissistic Tantrum: 

Now, let's talk about the narcissist's temper tantrum. 

Folks with narcissistic traits often struggle with acknowledging their emotions, regulating them, and taking ownership of how they feel. 

  1. The Impact of Immaturity: 

Recognizing that adults can throw temper tantrums is the first step in dealing with them. 

The person in question may simply lack the skills to handle their feelings, set boundaries, or self-soothe. 

  1. Start with Self-Awareness: 

The name of the game is self-awareness. It's all about understanding the situation. 

Ask yourself, "Why is this person behaving like this?" You probably already know the answer. 

  1. Keep Your Cool: 

Now, staying calm is the secret sauce to handling these adult meltdowns. 

Don't let their emotional rollercoaster pull you in. Keep your composure and be the voice of reason. 

  1. Let's Talk Validation: 

Validating doesn't mean you're giving them a free pass for their behavior. 

It's about acknowledging that their actions stem from their emotional struggles. You get it without necessarily agreeing. 

  1. The Power of Boundaries: 

Boundaries are your besties in these situations. 

They're like that invisible shield that protects your energy and maintains your connection with these less emotionally mature folks. 


Dealing with adult temper tantrums may be a rollercoaster, but here's the deal: you need to understand the underlying issues and respond with a cool head. Practicing self-awareness, keeping your cool, offering some validation, and setting your boundaries is the recipe for navigating these tricky situations.