The Breakup Detox! 10 Days to a Stronger, Better You

boundaries breakup recovery breakups coach confidence divorce emotional health Jan 10, 2024

Okay, guys, today I'm sharing with you a 10-day quick strategy to help get through this breakup in a productive way. What I'm not saying is that it's going to be some easy, quick breakup. Not at all; it's going to be hard. But if we set up the start for success, we are going to not only have an easier time as a whole but also hurt a lot less, and that's going to be key to this. So, let's get into it! 

 Breakups are tough, and feeling a whole set of emotions is normal. Hopefully this will guide you through a 10-day breakup detox that will leave you feeling rejuvenated, empowered, and ready to take back your power! 

Ride the Emotional Rollercoaster 

Okay, guys, the first thing we need to do is realize that we aren't robots. Some days it's just going to hurt. We will have those emotions flowing through us. Maybe we won't want to get out of bed, or work is harder because we are all stressed out. That's normal, so don't think it's not! Way too often, I see people just try to push down their emotions because they think that's going to help them. Letting ourselves sit and go through those emotions is not only going to help us through the breakup but also give us the knowledge as to why it happened, moving into our next one. There is always something we can learn from pain. 

Craft Your Breakup Detox Plan 

Okay, let's set some goals, and just short ones. Remember, we are doing a 10-day detox! Think about when you do a juice cleanse; it's like that but for your emotions. It can be small things, like thinking about having a walk for 10 minutes a day or reading 5 pages of a book we have wanted to read. But whatever it is, we need to make sure that it is something that can distract us a bit from our emotions! Setting a quick small goal is going to help us start to build habits that we can use once this is over to move on!  

Nourish Your Mind with Mindfulness 

Mindfulness is going to be such an important part of this detox, and all we have to do is simple. Instead of starting our day with the phone, let's just start it by checking in. Am I sad? Do I feel the pain from the breakup? Am I worried about them? These are all normal things to wonder during this time, but it's important that we know this is how we feel and we sit with it. Maybe do things like journal or just breathe a bit. 

Social Media Detox and Reconnect with Your Tribe 

Okay, just drop the social media. Seriously, give yourself a 10-day break from that crap because all it is going to do is remind you of them and all the good things you guys had together when you needed to sit and learn from what went wrong. Social media is just this weird place where everyone puts up their best self and this fake wall of who people really are. So just can it for a few days. If people need to talk to you, they are going to reach out. Delete the apps and get your mind right first! 

Celebrate Your Wins and Look Forward 

Okay, it's the end of the detox, so the most important thing you could do right now is to celebrate this win you just had. Be honest with yourself, did you really do the things you needed, or did you just go halfway in? Because if you really did what you needed, now is the time to go out with some friends, maybe buy something nice, or just do something you love because it's huge that you just made it through this! Breakups are no joke, and you did the first step in taking your power back! 

Guys, we are all getting through this together, so don't forget to talk to the people in this community. We have all been through it, and we need each other. Someone might even have solutions I might not think of, so just make sure you are talking to people in this space!