What Are The 5 Love Languages?

Aug 27, 2020

We have all heard about the five love languages from our friend during a casual conversation or an article on the internet.

Do you know the five love languages and how they relate to you and your relationship(s)?

I am breaking down the five love languages and integrating them into your relationship or friendship — don’t forget love languages are just as important for our platonic relationships!


This love language is all about using words to affirm the other person. Sayings like — “You mean the world to me,” “You are doing a great job balancing everything” and “I appreciate you” are all affirmations that can be used if the other person’s love language is words of affirmation.


Actions speak louder than words for those whose love language is acts of service. Taking out the garbage, bringing the car for an oil change, or picking up the dry cleaning are all acts of service.


We’re not talking about diamonds or a new car. Gifting is more about meaningful gifts that are unique to the other person. Example, last week your wife was talking about this book her friends were raving about at brunch. Purchasing the book for your partner is an example of showing this love language.


It does not mean spending an evening together watching TV with both of you on your phone, it is all about undistracted attention. If the other person’s love language is quality time, schedule time with them that will be uninterrupted — romantic dinner at home, watching a new documentary, or going bowling!


This one is pretty straightforward, some people require more physical contact than others. Physical touch can be simple like holding your partner’s hand in the car or giving a back massage or hugging your friend when you see them.

The 5 love languages are important to understand as we tend to show our love language to our partner and friends, but sometimes fail to accommodate the other person’s love language, which can lead to a disconnection in the relationship.